Juju Bento "Dreaming About the Blue Sky Above"

25 min performative installation
Please arrive on time. The doors will be closed at 18:00.
The situation is pneumological. A moment of mine, of our bodies. Intimate, humid, unanimous. Unknowable. We share an invisible volume. It reveals itself through the colours of light. This is where my eyes come to be. They should first gaze upon my movements. But they first gaze upon the force of the wind. Our connection: the atmosphere.
“Dreaming About the Blue Sky Above” is a long-flight immersive experience based on a research period in Kilpisjärvi in July 2024. In a biological research station and the surrounding natural landscape, a study of colour, sound and form is created about a sky in which the moon was missing. Therefore, a structured cylinder connected the sky’s matter and explored the landscape's interplay between breath, melody, and illumination.
The performative installation combines light, sound, and structures, merging internal noise narratives with aerial meteorological conditions to offer a sensory and territorial experience.
Visit Juju Bento’s artist page -
About the event
Inter Arts Center, Bergsgatan 29, 214 22 Malmö (Black Room)
sylvia [dot] lysko [at] iac [dot] lu [dot] se